Privacy Policy
HiBeats for Artists

Updated: 05-10-22

Data Controller

The Data Controller is Darkan Technologies, S.L. with tax identification number B02726404 (hereinafter the Holder) and address at Paseo Naranjo de Bulnes 104, 28701, San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid), holder of the Website (hereinafter referred as HiBeats for Artists).

This Privacy Policy regulates the collection and processing of personal data which are provided by the Users when they access, browser or use the functionalities of the Website.

Data collection, purposes, legal basis and storage periods:

a) Registration: By registering as an Artist on the HiBeats App, the Artist can access HiBeats for Artists to upload his or her HiBeats and register for active Challenges on the App. The Artist User hereby authorises the Artist User to have his or her HiBeats for Artists stored in HiBeats for Artists published on the HiBeats App.

The lawfulness for the processing of such data is based on the contractual relationship with the User.

Your data will be kept for as long as you are part of the community and are registered, however, in case of posting contents on the Website, they may remain unchanged unless the user deletes them or requests their deletion, unless other deadlines apply.

b) Cookies: The Website has technology for the deployment of files called cookies in the device which is used to access and browsing through the Website. Cookies can be blocked or disabled at any time through the browser ́s setting options. If you want to know further information about this you can see the Cookie Policy.

The lawfulness for the processing of such data is based on the consent of the User.

c) Advertising: If the User expressly authorises it, the Holder may send him advertising for services and/or projects related to the Website, such as news and discounts, among others.

The lawfulness for the processing of such data is based on the consent of the User.

The period of data storage shall be as long as you remain registered in our system for the sending of advertising and you have not revoked your consent.

You may revoke your consent at any time by writing to us at

Data Protection Officer

The User may contact the HiBeats Data Protection Officer by email at or by telephone at 673 248 261. At any time, the User may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Exercising of Data Protection Rights

Furthermore, the User may revoke his or her consent for the data processing, by exercising the rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and data portability by contacting HiBeats for Artists through an email to support@localhost or by indicating it to the address above mentioned, pointing “Data Protection” as motive. In addition, we may ask you for evidence of your identity if we have doubts about it, in order to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

The User may communicate any modification by writing or request the cancellation, by indicating such event to any of the above mentioned addresses.

At any time, the User may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), in order to enforce his or her rights.


HiBeats for Artists reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, in respecting of the legislation in force in terms of data protection and following advance notice to the data subjects.


The applicable language of this Privacy Policy is Spanish. The Holder may offer the Users the translation of this document in several languages for their convenience only, to help them to understand it, but the official text is the Spanish version.

In case of contradictions between the Spanish version and its translations, the Spanish version shall prevail.